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Summer Roof Repairs Require Careful Monitoring of Crew and Tools

Spring storms can contain a lot of wind, rain, and hail. Whether you have noticed an interior leak or can see wear on your shingles, it’s a great idea to get a roofing contractor out to take a look at your roof before long-lasting damage occurs. Once you commit to a new roof, investing in a lighter, more UV reflective shingle can protect your home from heat buildup.

Summer Roofing Comes with Hazards

Working in the heat is always hazardous. While your roofing crew will certainly bring plenty of water, homeowners should be prepared for their roofers to make an early start.

Roofs can collect dew, just like any other surface. A wet roof is a slippery roof. Your roofing crew may need to start on the sunny side of the house as soon as the dew has burned off. Pay attention to any doors and windows that they’ll be working over and around to avoid falling debris or ladders.

During the tear-off of old roofing material, be prepared for some doorways to be inaccessible at times. While professional roofers have ways of protecting your home from falling roofing material, debris is always a risk. Plan with your family to either use other doors or to simply be away from the house at that time.

Be Prepared for Noise

Roofing at any time of the year often requires pneumatic tools, and that means that compressors will be running. Compressors, like many tools, get hot over time. Summer sun can speed up that heating up process.

Because compressors aren’t efficient or effective at very high temperatures, don’t be surprised if the roofing process stops occasionally. Your crew needs to cool down and hydrate, just as the compressor needs to cool off to function well.

Check Out and Maintain Other Features

This is also a good time to get your gutters checked out. The wood under your gutters may need replacement or repainting as well. If your shingles have been failing for a while, or if your gutters have not been flowing freely, moisture may have backed up under the gutters and done damage to the soffit.

Putting a new roof on your home is a great way to add to the value of your investment. Maintaining the soffit and fascia so the gutter is secure will save worries when winter snows melt.

If you need summer roof replacement for your Rochester, MN home, contact Heyn Brothers Roofing.

Be sure to contact our office when you are in need of a service estimate!