We all know that roofs are big investments. To have one installed or replaced requires a hefty cost, so it makes sense that homeowners would want to get the most out of their roofs whenever possible. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to extend the lifespan of your roof. One of the most important things is to have your roof periodically maintained. If you’re located in or near Rochester, MN, our crew at Heyn Brothers Roofing would be happy to help.
Checking Things Over
First of all, we want to emphasize that it can be dangerous for a homeowner to get on a roof. Many of the houses here in Rochester have roofs with a very steep pitch, and there’s obviously a huge risk associated with climbing up a ladder and getting on a somewhat slippery surface. It’s best to leave this task to the professionals.
When our team checks out your roof, we’ll be on the lookout for anything that could harm the integrity of your materials and the overall structure. With the type of weather we have in Minnesota, a small issue could quickly become a major headache and possibly something that affects your safety. During a maintenance appointment, we can look for:
- Cracked pipe boots
- Debris in any valleys
- Animal intrusions
- Issues with ventilation
- Missing, loose, or lifted shingles
- Loose or missing caulking and flashing
We’ll be thorough in our inspection, and if we notice any problems, we’ll come up with the proper solution. A cracked pipe boot is typically a quick fix, an issue with flashing or caulking can be easily addressed, and any debris can be removed. Projects that address ventilation may be of a slightly bigger scope. Depending on what’s going on with critters on and around your roof, there may be a simple or a more complex solution. Regardless of what we find, we’ll be able to take care of it.
In addition to checking over the surface of your roof, gutters can be cleaned and any mold can be removed. Since this region can be so humid, mold and mildew can easily grow on the shady areas of your roof. If you have trouble with any of these, the team at Heyn Brothers Roofing is ready to assist you.
Prevention Is the Best Course of Action
Having a roof maintained annually or at least every few years is a good idea. It provides you with peace of mind, and it protects your investment. If you don’t pay attention to your roof, it could deteriorate more quickly, and you might be taken by surprise by a major problem. Call us today for assistance with roof maintenance, and let us know if you have any specific questions.